lifetime book-lover who writes about - what else? - a variety of books.
this is the second book i'm currently reading, which has been described as " hilarious" by various readers and reviewers. the New York Times calls it "divinely funny" on the front cover, and Redbook promises me on the back that I'll "laugh my pants off." sadly, i have not found it divinely funny, and my pants (for the most part) remain firmly attached to my body.
but, here's the thing: i'm still liking it. a lot. i think i'd like it more if i hadn't been led to believe this was going to be a laugh-riot when it's really -- as yet another reviewer more accurately described it -- a "dramedy." because what we have here, ladies and gentlemen, is a woman on the verge of a nervous break-down. or, maybe even in the middle of one. the first quarter of this novel is a "blue jasmine" breakdown of a upper class mother told from the perspective of her precocious daughter. it's been kinda funny in places, in a cringe-worthy sort of way.
and really, some of this is my own fault. i'd heard that the author was a writer on "arrested development" ( ! ), and made some unfair assumptions about what i'd find here -- mainly that it would be absolutely hilarious and awesome. while it hasn't yet been all that hilarious, i reserve judgment on the "awesome" bit. it's early yet, and now that i've revised my expectations, Bernadette and i should get along just fine.